Support Live Jazz in Holland!

The Holland Concert Jazz Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is carried out through your contributions. All donations are fully tax-deductible within the extent of the law. Donations may be made securely online, by cash, or by check. Please contact us with any questions!
HCJO Community Partners Network
Support for the arts is support for community development. The arts create jobs, and music enriches the lives of all who hear it. Live entertainment is a key part of attracting new residents, talent, and tourism to our community. The Holland Concert Jazz Orchestra invites you to be a part of enhancing the community through music and our music education projects by joining our community partners network.
Why Sponsor the HCJO?
Sponsorship of our organization allows you to reach targeted audiences with lifestyles relevant to your marketing objectives. Your contribution associates you with our organization’s commitment to excellence. We invite you to join our team and become a cultural leader in the community by supporting the arts. There are sponsorship opportunities at all levels with exciting benefits tailored specifically to you and your colleagues. For more information, please email us to set up a meeting (